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Gambar penulis: Chloe AllisonChloe Allison


Have you ever had a gut feeling that told you something was wrong? Or perhaps, have you ever felt like you knew what to do in a situation without really knowing why? You might be surprised to learn that these feelings are your intuition at work. Intuition is defined as having knowledge without the use of logic or reason. It's an ability we all have but often ignore or discount because it doesn't fit into our logical world. Yet when we begin to trust our intuition, we can find answers to questions that have been bothering us and make better decisions about what direction our lives should take

Intuition is a powerful tool

Intuition is a powerful tool. It's a way of knowing, it's a way of being, it's a way of feeling and perceiving. It's also the result of your own experience and life journey; it represents who you are as an individual in relation to the world around you.

Intuition is innate to all human beings because we're all connected by our universal source. The more open you are to developing this sense, the better able you'll be at accessing its full potential—and ultimately using it to help make decisions that will improve both yourself and others' lives.

Intuition allows you to communicate your needs

Intuition allows you to communicate your needs, which is important for relationships, careers and more. When you feel like something isn’t right in the relationship or with your career path, it could be an indication that there are some changes that need to happen. This can be difficult because it may seem like a huge step towards the unknown but keep in mind that as long as you’re staying true to yourself and listening closely to what your intuition is telling you, everything will fall into place exactly how it should!

Learning to trust your intuition will help you trust and listen to others

Learning to trust your intuition will help you trust and listen to others. This is because it means that you are beginning to learn how to not only listen but also hear what is being said. If we don't use our intuition, we will never know what someone else is trying to tell us.

In order to get better at understanding others when they talk, try thinking about what they are saying in terms of energy or vibrations instead of words. If someone tells me something that has a lot of positive energy behind it (such as "I love this restaurant"), I will have feelings of excitement and happiness associated with their statement and may actually feel those emotions myself if I'm not already feeling happy when they say it!

If someone says something with negative energy behind it ("This place sucks") then my body language and facial expressions might show signs of discomfort or even disgust depending on how much this person has been able to affect me negatively beforehand through other interactions such as eye contact etc...

Your intuition can help you make choices.

Intuition is one of the best and most accurate decision-making tools. It can help you make choices about your career, relationships and even financial decisions. You don't have to be stressed out or overwhelmed when making decisions because intuition will guide you in deciding whether or not this is the right path for you.

Intuition is a good way to make decisions because it comes from inside of you. Intuition tells us that something feels right, while logic tells us what is right based on outside sources like facts, research and expert opinions

Listen to your intuition

Intuition is a powerful tool. It can help you make choices, communicate your needs and wants, and navigate life with ease. Here are some practical ways to use it:

  • Listen to your gut reactions when making decisions. If you’re torn between two options, go with the one that feels best at the moment—regardless of what others might say or how much more logical, one option seems than another.

  • Use intuition to tell others about yourself in a way that doesn't make anyone feel uncomfortable or put on the spot (for example: “I have allergies to nuts and shellfish; please do not bring these foods into my home”).

  • Use intuition to help you make choices that are right for you. If two options are equally appealing, go with the one that feels best at the moment (for example: “Which of these two jobs would allow me more freedom to pursue my passions?”).

  • Use intuition to communicate your needs and wants in a way that doesn't come across as pushy or demanding. Be sure that others feel safe and comfortable when they hear what's on your mind.


The power of intuition is a large part of what makes us human. It's what drives our decision-making, creativity and emotional intelligence. But it can also get in the way of our attempts to be logical, rational and efficient at times. Whether you're trying to solve a problem or make a decision, it's important to understand how your intuition works so that you can use it when appropriate or overcome its limitations when necessary!

I’ve learned a lot about intuition in the past few years, and I think it’s safe to say that it is more important than ever before. As technology continues to evolve and improve, we should be learning how to use our intuition more and more as a way of connecting with other people. If you want to learn more about this topic then please check out my website!

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