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Perjalanan dengan Teman jiwa dan aktifkan cahaya batin Anda

Activate your soul's Light - Healing, transforming, and awakening your true self, integrating all aspects into a harmonious whole. Be ready to experience the magic within, as you journey towards profound self-discovery and powerful embodiment. Let's make this soul-work journey fun, engaging, and deeply rewarding. Come, let's explore the mystical realms of your inner world together!

From my heart to yours, I welcome you. 


Inner Glow is about lighting up the beacon within you. It's about grabbing life by the reins, tackling the highs and lows, and embracing the rollercoaster ride of self-discovery. It's a journey, a whirlwind adventure that takes you from feeling like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces to realising you've been the whole picture all along.


Unearth your inner radiance! Embark on a journey that's all about you - embracing life's peaks and troughs, riding the waves of self-discovery, and emerging as the full, glorious picture you have always been.


Guiding you on this magical journey to your Inner Glow is my life's mission - a mission born from the depths of my soul, my joy, my honour. Think of me as your guiding star, a stellium Capricorn beacon, here to help ignite the light within you.


My Inner Glow has been my guiding light, steering me through life's stormy seas to tranquil shores of self-love, joy, and liberation. As your companion on this journey, I'll be there to cheer you on, guiding you towards your soul's deepest desires, and helping you live a life that's uniquely, authentically you.


Awakening the light within others has always come naturally to me, and now, I'm excited to offer it as a structured service. I've been blessed with support and inspiration from countless soul encounters in my life, and now it's my turn to pay it forward, sharing the wisdom your soul seeks.


Holistic counselling and qualified psychotherapy, spiritual mentoring, wellness coaching and holistic health, oracle readings, shamanic journeying, quantum attunements, Light Language, ReikI 1,2 & Master, Yin Yoga teacher, Meditation Guide, Munay-Ki 9 Rites Initation, Cacao Ceremonialist, breath-work, somatic bodywork, parts work, inner child healing, higher self connection, Light Language, manifesting master, attachment cord cutting, Chakra opening and balancing, timeline regression (present, past & parallel lives) Spirit family and ancestral connection, trauma healing, shadow work, light worker, energy alchemist, intuitive guide, journey curator. 



Layanan yang saya tawarkan

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Single Session


Receive soul nourishing and transformative energy healing with Shamanic, Light, and Universal energy medicine. 

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Unlock your true potential and embrace your soul's calling. It's time to shine your light. 

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A transformational Journey of inner-world consciousness to help liberate you from limiting patterns into deep self-connection 

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If you're ready to awaken your inner healer, these sessions focus on restoring your overall well-being.


As a Projector in Human Design, I'm poised to guide you, but the first move is yours to make. When you feel the call, I'll be here, ready to embark on this exciting journey with you. I see you, I honour you, I am with you.


My Core Values 









Curious to dive deeper?

Check out my Values Page

Hai, saya Chloé

Saya seorang psikoterapis, guru yoga, pelatih kehidupan bersertifikat, penyembuh energi dan mentor spiritual. Inner Glow Counseling diciptakan untuk duduk sejajar dengan sains modern dan spiritualitas. Dirancang untuk mereka yang menginginkan penyembuhan dari tempat kepraktisan dan kepercayaan diri, sementara juga memanfaatkan intuisi mereka sendiri. Saya menawarkan pengalaman konseling dan pembinaan yang unik untuk mendukung orang-orang yang bergerak melalui perjalanan penyembuhan mereka dari tempat kesakitan ke tempat pemberdayaan yang terwujud sepenuhnya. Konseling Cahaya Batin adalah jangkar bagi keberanian, kebaikan, dan kebebasan sejati. Saya senang Anda berhasil sampai di sini dan tidak sabar menunggu Anda mengalami yang terbaik dalam hidup. 

Apa arti pancaran batin bagi Anda?

Inner Glow adalah pancaran kehidupan. Sebuah kegembiraan energi murni. Cahaya jiwa yang bersinar terang ke dunia sekitar, memancarkan sinar kehidupan ini ke semua yang ditemuinya, dan merangkul cahaya orang lain.


Itu berasal dari sumber di dalam. Inti dari keberadaan. Semangat Anda.


Itu ada di dalam diri kita masing-masing dan menunggu untuk dilihat. Melihat cahaya Anda memberinya izin untuk bebas dan bersinar terang.

Lotus in Bloom
“Everybody has a little bit of the sun and moon in them. Everybody has a little bit of man, woman, and animal in them. Darks and lights in them. Everyone is part of a connected cosmic system. Part earth and sea, wind and fire, with some salt and dust swimming in them. We have a universe within ourselves that mimics the universe outside."
~  Suzy Kassem 
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