Glow Connection Community
Welcome beautiful Soul,
We have a beautiful community growing, one where we can come together in heart space and share practices that empower our Spirits. Feeling alive in our shared experiences. Bringing laughter, light, joy, kindness, openness and vulnerability as we gather in harmony and unity. We all have gifts of our heart and soul, so let's celebrate one another through connection and community.
We are free to call in any one who aligns with our safe and sacred intentions. If you add anyone into the group please introduce them and ask them to introduce themselves.
You are encouraged to share your community offerings, reflections, inspirations and spirit within the group. As we come together and share ourselves we empower the energetic field we are cultivating here. Keeping in mind that whilst we are all unique in our lives, we are gathering as a community and this is a safe space to fuel lightness.
Please download the app Spaces to access this online space on your phone
Group Rules
Kindness is the energy that will carry us, it comes from the heart. As we comment and connect with other members please first check in to see whether you are sharing from a place of kindness.
You are encouraged to be active in the community. Of course this is not always possible and can be daunting. However, as we engage and share into the space we fuel the life of our community.
Sharing in Alignment
You are free to share stories, posts, insights, reflections, feedback, your own events, inspirations and gifts. Please be mindful as you share that they are in alignment with the energy of community.
Everyone is welcome in this space. More connection, more diversity, more inclusion. Please feel free to invite anyone who is also on the path of connection with intention of journey to consciousness.
Celebrate Diversity
Diversity of people in community is essential to creating a rainbow of gifted people. Please respect, honour and encourage diversity in yourself and other members.
Be curious
Let's connect with each other with curiosity. When a person shares, or offers themselves, you are encouraged to connect with curiosity of their own experience.
Safe Space
This is a safe space for us to gather with each other. If you feel unsafe at all, please do speak to Chloe so she can support you in feeling safe and bringing back a level of safeness in the community
We are gathering in Sacred energy. Sacred space may be a new concept, or something you are familiar with. If you have anything to share about Sacredness, please do. Otherwise this is a space to learn.
Community of Celebration
The foundation of our community is to celebrate! Celebrate us, life, spirit. A welcome break from 'the work', let's gather and practice with celebration!
- Private
Only approved members can view this group.
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February 8, 2023
Created by